
02:52:00 Unknown 0 Comments

Hey!  Welcome and Thank you for coming to my blog. I am Sahar Shafiq and I am writing this blog from last year (Oct 2K15) . I am a communication student and a Pakistani Nationalist.

My blog is my space where I talk about my Passion and Love for makeup. I am also a Youtube addict and i spent most of my time watching Youtubers :P ( who doesn't like Youtube ) . Yotubers inspired me to make a blog a have fun writing about your passion. So here it is .  No matter how much time I spent making my blog and HTML codes OK. I am never satisfied :P as I do not know anything about coding but trying to learn .

I try to cover all topics related to makeup, beauty hacks also I do makeup reviews for the products that I actually tried and Lifestyle .

My readers inspire me so much when I see My viewers numbers increased day by day It encourages me so much and I try even more to write more better for my readers . Thank you for coming to my blog once again.

If any questions? Leave them in comments below I would be more than happy to answer.

Contact : saysh.attitude@gmail.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/allaboutsaysh

